Join our team!
Help your fellow students pass exams with ease
Follow these three easy steps and start tutoring today! We take care of all the boring details and let you focus on what you do best.
Fill out your information!
Fill out the necessary information for to create your tutor profile. Do not forget to upload a picture of yourself that you want your students to see, a short description and your hourly rate.
Sign up!Set your availability!
Once you sign up you will receive an email with a Calendly invite. There you will state your availability.
Do not forget to update the information if your schedule changes.
Start working!
Once you have stated your availability your public profile will be created, with the information you have provided. From then onwards you are open for business and can start helping fellow students.
Why should you join us?
How being a member of our community benefits you
New opportunities
Many Universities in Netherlands experience budget cuts and can therefore hire less student teaching assistants. This leads to less job positions and many students not being able to get the answers they need. This provides you with a unique work opportunity to help these students and gain experience
No hassle
That is where we come in with our platform, we help you set up your profile and find you the students that need your help. Once you set up a profile with us, we take care of the rest.
It's free!
The best part is that this service is completely free for you as tutors! This means that there is no sign-up fee, and we do not take a percentage of your earnings. All the money you make goes directly to you. This platform was built as a passion project for our fellow students at the University of Twente and as such shall never take the earnings of its tutors.
Join our community today
For students by student
Become part of the new student tutor wave!