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Students helping students

at a time

Together we learn, together we succeed—students supporting students every step of the way.


Passing exams has never been easier...

Find yourself a tutor

Explore our website and look through profiles, choose a tutor who matches your learning style, then book a session that fits your schedule.

Put in the work

Never be afraid to ask questions! Don't forget to practice regularly, and use any additional resources or mock exams your tutor has provided.

Ace the exams

With the help of your fellow students you will be able to pass these exams in no time and enjoy the student life to its fullest!


Who are we?

For students, by students

We were all once first year students, overwhelmed and with no sense of direction, stepping into a new era of our life with new challenges. This is where we come in, we are a group of passionate students from the University of Twente who used to work as teaching assistants for several years. Throughout out our years of studying in this university both studying for these same exams as well as teaching others we have gained valuable knowledge and experience. We now want to use this experience and skills to help new students as well as the experienced ones who sometimes keep struggling with that one exam with a strict professor (don’t worry we have all been there once ;) ).

Explore more about us
Robert Grgac & Marius Inselseth